At Kurri Kurri High School we value success, learning, leadership and responsible, productive learners. We value and demonstrate respect for everyone in our school and safety is everyone's responsibility.
The Kurri Kurri High School expectations "Excellence, Respect and Safety" will impact throughout our whole school community.
- Treat everyone with fairness
- Be proud of yourself and your school
- Use appropriate language
- Responsibility for actions
- Act safely
- Care for self and others
- Be prepared to learn
- Right Place, Right Time
- Aspire and Strive to be your best
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) at Kurri Kurri High School is committed to building a supportive and inclusive school which:
- facilitates a commitment to achievement
- builds a foundation of lifelong learning
- provides an environment where all students, regardless of diversity, disadvantage or disability can reach their highest potential
- allows students at KKHS to experience joy and success each day
- implements the values of the NSW Department of Education