Medication & First Aid
When a medical practitioner has prescribed medication that must be administered during the school day, parents/carers must:
- notify the school
- provide up to date information as required
- supply the medication and any ‘consumables’ necessary for its administration in a timely way.
Parents/carers of children who require prescribed medication to be administered at school must complete a written request form from the Front Office. Students must not carry medications unless there is a written agreement between the school and the student’s parents/carers.
An Individual health plan is required for any student:
- diagnosed with severe asthma, type 1 diabetes,
- epilepsy or anaphylaxis
- diagnosed as being at risk of an emergency
- who requires the administration of health care
- procedures.
Should your child fall sick or require First Aid while at school, they should present to the Front Office. One of the trained staff will assess and provide treatment where possible. If necessary Parents/Carers will be notified and/or additional medical support.
Toilets and Changing Rooms
Student toilets are located off the Main Quad on either side of the Canteen. Students are provided two lunch breaks in which to use the toilet facilities and organise themselves for the next class.
If you need to use the toilets between periods or during lessons, you will need to get a Toilet Pass from your teacher and use the toilets in A Block downstairs hallway.
A changeroom is located in the Gym for all Lifestyle and PDHPE classes.
Our Library is open every school day: 8.30am - 9:00am for completion of homework/study.
We are open both lunch breaks for research, reading, studying, collaborative learning, quiet board games and Minecraft Club.
Our fiction collection has been grown to meet student needs and interests with a broad range of fiction, fantasy and science fiction and Manga. There are also dedicated sections for War, Humour, Action, Sport, Crime fiction and more. The Teacher Librarian is also happy to take requests for book purchases.
Study Centre
Kurri Kurri High School also has a dedicated Study Centre. The Study Centre strives to create a learning environment that is nurturing and enables our students to perform to their highest ability. Our aim is to create an inclusive, connected and supported environment to provide students with confidence and knowledge for life success.
The Study Centre is open:
Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm and Fridays 8:00am - 3:30pm
Select times during School Holidays
We are proud to have a Healthy Choice Canteen, sellling a variety of hot and cold meals as well as drinks and snacks.
The canteen is open before school and lunch breaks. Both cash and Eftpos are accepted payment methods. The current menu is available in the Canteen section of this guide.