"In the end, it’s extra effort that separates a winner from second place. But winning takes a lot more that, too. It starts with complete command of the fundamentals. Then it takes desire, determination, discipline, and self-sacrifice. And finally, it takes a great deal of love, fairness and respect for your fellow man. Put all these together, and even if you don’t win, how can you lose?” Jesse Owens
Subject Overview:
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
PDHPE provides students with opportunities to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others – now and in the future. Students also participate in challenging and enjoyable physical activity, improving their capacity to move with skill and confidence.
In Year 11 and 12, courses available include: Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies and Community and Family Studies.

Faculty Goals
- Develop in students an ability and commitment to make and act upon informed health decisions at a personal and community level.
- Provide opportunities for students to explore and develop self-esteem and skills related to communication, decision making, values clarification and interpersonal relationships.
- Provide opportunities for students to participate in regular, frequent and planned physical activities.
- Match learning experiences to the needs, interests, the stages of physical, emotional and social development and cultural development of the students.
- Learning experiences that enable students to be active rather than passive learners.
- Model practices that are supportive of a healthy lifestyle at a whole school level.
- Develop an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.
Staff introductions
Mrs Gavenlock (Head Teacher)
Miss Trayhurn (PDHPE and CAFS Teacher Yr 11 Year Advisor)
Miss Cole (PDHPE and CAFS Teacher)
Mrs Phillips (PDHPE Teacher)
Mr Yulianto (PDHPE Teacher)
Mr Vassella (PDHPE Teacher)
Mr Asvestas (PDHPE Teacher and Yr 9 Year Advisor)
Stage 4:
In Stage 4 PDHPE students experience a variety of theory and practical experiences supporting their growth and development in the areas of mental health, respectful relationships, cyber safety, nutrition and sports competition planning. Students will create fitness campaigns to promote active lifestyles with communities, along with developing and honing their skills in athletics, basketball, netball, oz-tag, soccer (football) and T-ball. Practical lessons incorporate initiative games and fundamental movement skill development to ensure our students can adapt to situations as they arise on the sporting field.
Key Experiences:
Year 7 finish the Year with the legendary HUB cup – where HUBs compete against each other for the title of ‘Hub Cup Champions’. Year 8 students develop and deliver the ‘Kookaburra Cup’ our Hub Netball Tournament.
Stage 5:
In Stage 5 PDHPE, students evaluate a broad range of factors that shape identity and have an impact on young people’s health decisions, behaviours and actions. They plan and evaluate strategies and interventions and advocate for their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. Students use movement to satisfy personal needs and interests. They participate in movement experiences with persistence as they compose, perform and appraise movement in various contexts. Students refine and apply movement skills and movement concepts to compose and perform innovative sequences. Students demonstrate leadership, fair play and cooperation across a range of movement contexts. They adopt a variety of roles such as a leader, mentor, official, coach and team member to support and encourage the involvement of others
Key Experiences:
Students will be provided with a range of movement contexts from Racquet Sports, Team Games and Dance.
Students will further develop their teamwork skills through a range of group projects aimed to develop communication, cooperation, critical thinking and creativity.
Stage 5 PASS:
Physical Activity and Sports Studies represents a broad view of physical activity and the many possible contexts in which individuals can build activity into their lifestyle. It incorporates a wide range of lifelong physical activities, including recreational, leisure and adventure pursuits, competitive and non-competitive games, individual and group physical fitness activities, and the use of physical activity for therapy and remediation. Physical Activity and Sports Studies also promotes learning about movement and provides students with opportunities to develop their movement skills, analyse movement performance and assist the performance of others.
Key Experiences: Sports Coaching, an in-depth study into the body systems and their role in sport performance. Event management through the Sports in Action Assessment Task.
Stage 5 Child Studies:
Society has a responsibility to provide a safe, nurturing and challenging environment for children in their early years, as this is crucial to optimal growth and development. Child Studies explores the broad range of social, environmental, genetic and cultural factors that influence prenatal development and a child’s sense of wellbeing and belonging between 0 and 8 years of age.
Key Experiences : Nursery Design, Egg Care Project, visits to local childcare centres to interact with young children.
Stage 6:
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) is an integrated area of study that provides for the intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development of students. It involves students learning about and practising ways of maintaining active, healthy lifestyles and improving their health status. It is also concerned with social and scientific understandings about movement, which lead to enhanced movement potential and appreciation of movement in their lives.
PDHPE is an ATAR Based subject.
In 2024 Stage 6 PDHPE will be known as Health and Movement Science under a new syllabus.
Community and Family Studies:
Contemporary society is characterised by rapid social and technological change, cultural diversity, conflicting values and competitive pressures. Developing understanding about society and living in society requires a comprehensive knowledge of its complex nature. Consequently, Community and Family Studies is an interdisciplinary course drawing upon selected components of family studies, sociology, developmental psychology and students’ general life experiences. This course focuses on skills in resource management that enable people to function effectively in their everyday lives, in families and communities.
Commonly called CAFS this is an ATAR based subject.
Key Experiences:
Independent Research Project and Indepth case studies
Sport Lifestyle and Recreation
Sport Lifestyle and Recreation makes a positive contribution to the total wellbeing of students. They develop knowledge and understanding of the value of activity, increased levels of movement skill, competence in a wide variety of sport and recreation contexts and skills in planning to be active. These and other aspects of the course enable students to adopt and maintain an active lifestyle.
Sport Lifestyle and Recreation is NOT an ATAR based subject.
Key Experiences :
Event management (Athletics Carnival), Sport Coaching, Outdoor Education and Active participation in a variety of movement contexts.
Exploring Early Childhood
Exploring Early Childhoodcourse aims to achieve this by giving students an overview of development and related issues within an early childhood context. It provides the opportunity to consider a range of issues in relation to the individual student, their family and the community. As well as reflecting on the personal relevance of childhood issues, students are encouraged to consider the implications for future interactions with children, be these as a parent, friend, carer or educator. Children and childhood are examined from a multidisciplinary perspective and students have opportunities to link theory and practice. The approach taken in this syllabus views childhood learning as experiential, that is, children are active learners and learn and make sense of the world around them through their experiences and through their interactions with others.
Key Experiences:
Real Baby care experience, designing a social media campaign and comparing childhood experiences across the generations.
Important Links:

S.P.O.R.T. Program
The introduction of our S.P.O.R.T program in 2022 is testament to our faculties core values of providing opportunities for our students to Strive, Perform, Out do, Represent and demonstrate Teamwork.
We currently include the following Sports as part of our program:
Rugby League
Touch Football
Students have the opportunity to have a dedicated training session once a fortnight with their SPORT coaches as well as external providers.
The PDHPE faculty and S.P.O.R.T coaches are committed to providing more sporting opportunities to our students where they can proudly represent KKHS.