Our goal is to offer you the latest information to support your decision-making regarding your future career and life after school.
Kurri Kurri High #CareersHUBKKHS newsletter is regularly updated with jobs, careers information and announcements.
Careers Hub
Kurri Kurri High students and parents can access our #careersHUBKKHS to explore everything related to careers, which features the following:
- weekly vacancies bulletins
- weekly Careers newsletter
- HSC requirements & key dates
- University Admission process
- School Leavers Information Kit
- job and career opportunities
- Workplace Learning opportunities
- School Based Apprenticeships Traineeships
- job readiness and resume writing
- USI number
- Latest events
- Career star of the week
A range of Careers programs are offered and delivered to students. These include:
- Careers lessons
- Schools to Work Programs
- Small group and individual interviews
- Focus Days
- Guest speakers
- Mentoring programs
- Excursions
- Uni steps programs
- Career expos
- TAFE- Start your future
- White card courses
- Resumes/cover letters
All Year 10, 11 and 12 students have access to the Career and Transition CANVAS careers course which provides a comprehensive range of resources for students to access. Students who have not accessed the Career and Transition CANVAS course, can access it using CANVAS careers code 1024CAR in CANVAS.
Please contact Careers Advisor Kellie Tilden if you would like some personalised careers support. E: kellie.tilden@det.nsw.edu.au
Stage 5
In Year 10, students are delivered a number of Careers lessons. These are scheduled throughout the year and communicate important information about:
- Work Experience
- School to Work Pathways
- Senior Subject Selection
- Apprenticeships & Traineeships
In year 10 students can participate in Work Experience, book a time with your Careers Advisor if you are interested.
Throughout the year, Expressions of Interest are sought from students interested in completing their White Card course. This is a mandatory requirement for all people who work on a construction site in Australia. Students must have their White Card if they plan on doing work experience in the construction industry. White card courses are held in the last 2 weeks of each term.
All students who complete this course will need a USI number. To get your USI number, have your Medicare Card ready and go to https://www.usi.gov.au/
Stage 6
Senior students are provided with a range of programs and support throughout their HSC course.
Students can book in a time with the Careers Advisor if they need to discuss:
- Apprenticeship & Traineeships
- School to Work pathways
- University information (courses, application processes, ATAR)
- EVET courses
Key Resources
- weekly #CareersHUBKKHS news bulletin
- How to create a USI number
- MYWorkexperience modules
Your Careers Advisor - students are welcome to visit the Careers Office opposite the Library during lunch breaks or free periods to address their specific career needs. Additionally, parents and guardians can reach out to the Careers Advisor, Kellie Tilden via email to explore their child's career options and pathways.
In addirion to our Careers Advisor, there is also the The Educational Pathways Program.
The EPP complements existing career education activities offered at school, through the provision of additional resources including Head Teacher Careers, Anne Grieve, and SBAT Engagement Officer, Tracy Forbes.
Program offerings include:-
- Enhancing SBAT Engagement
SBAT Engagement Officer Tracy Forbes can support students to access Apprenticeships and Traineeships that are completed as part of their HSC pathway. Matching students with local employers, providing tailored support, and mentoring.
- Start Your Future TAFE programs
Help students to identify potential career pathways through Vocational Education tasters in a wide range of industries delivered at local TAFE campuses.
- Job Readiness Workshops
Provides students with practical tips to help prepare for their first job and inspires them to explore rewarding vocational career pathways.
These initiatives, plus others, ensure students have access to sound advice, great training pathways, and rewarding work opportunities.
For more information about any of these programs or our other initiatives please contact the EPP Upper Hunter Team or visit our office at the end of A BLOCK:-
- ANNE anne.grieve@det.nsw.edu.au,
- TRACY tracy.forbes3@det.nsw.edu.au or
- RICHELLE Richelle.stirrat@det.nsw.edu.au