S.P.O.R.T. Squad - we say thank you to our sponsors
02 Mar 2023
We have been incredibly fortunate to secure sponsorships for the majority of our representative sports teams as well as a sponsor for our squad dress shirt, and an amazing marquee.
Sponsorship has allowed us to upgrade the unforms for our teams, which in turn has seen school pride lift when teams attend events. The S.P.O.R.T. Squad aims at increasing engagement at school through sport and students are able to participate in multiple sports as well as representing KKHS as referees and assisting feeder schools with sports days.
To thank our sponsors we held an afternoon tea to present each with a framed team shirt, as well as have the opportunity for them to meet the teams they are supporting. As a part of the S.P.O.R.T. Squad, teams also participate in coaching clinics run and the on the day we had our Soccer players on the field with the Advance Football Clinic.
Keep an eye on social media and the Newsletter each term for updates on our sporting initiative.
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